Abstract In general redundancy allocation problems the redundancy strategy for each subsystem is
predetermined. Tavakkoli- Moghaddam presented a series-parallel redundancy allocation problem with
mixing components (RAPMC) in which the redundancy strategy can be chosen for individual
subsystems. In this paper, we present a bi-objective redundancy allocation when the redundancy
strategies for subsystems are considered as a variable of the problem. As the problem belongs to the
NP-hard class problems, we will present a new approach for the non-dominated sorting genetic
algorithm (NSGAII) and Memtic algorithm (MA) with each one to solve the multi-objective model.
Keywords: Redundancy Allocation Problems, Series-Parallel Problems, Redundancy Strategies, Non
Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms (NSGAII), Memtic Algorithms.
EbrahimNezhad Moghadam Rashti M, Vishkaei B M, Esmaeilpour R. A Memtic genetic algorithm for a redundancy allocation problem. International Journal of Applied Operational Research 2012; 2 (2) URL: http://ijorlu.liau.ac.ir/article-1-140-en.html