In this paper we propose a multi-objective mathematical model to aid the marketing team of
a company in customer service marketing. Customer reflects to the services provided by a company,
and the reflections affect the profit of the company. Thus, the services can be evaluated by the
customers to imply the company's performances. First, the services are purified based on the opinions
of the customers conducting a survey study by a questionnaire. The service purification is carried out
using statistical hypothesis testing. The remained services are then assessed regarding time, cost and
quality objectives constructing a multi-objective mathematical model. Then, a multi-objective
mathematical model is utilized to determine the services with more profits. Analytic hierarchy process
(AHP) is applied to solve the multi-objective model. The applicability and validity of the proposed
mechanism is illustrated in a case study.
Keywords: Decision Support, Multi-Objective Mathematical Model, Analytic Hierarchy Process
R. Esmaeilpour, H. Fazlollahtabar, E. Aghasi. Multi-Objective Mathematical Model as a Decision Support for Customer Service Marketing. International Journal of Applied Operational Research 2013; 3 (2) URL: